Perspectives on a Changing Supreme Court

A panel of three former Supreme Court clerksUniversity of Utah Law Professor RonNell Andersen Jones (who clerked for Justice O'Connor), BYU Law Professor Aaron Nielson (who clerked for Justice Alito), and BYU Law Professor Lisa Grow Sun (who clerked for Justice Kennedy)will provide their perspectives and insights on the current Supreme Court.  In particular, the panel will highlight some of the most important cases on the Court's current docket and discuss how Justice Gorsuch's appointment, as well as the potential for other appointments in the next few years, may affect the direction of the law in a variety of areas, including constitutional law.
Shriners Hospital Auditorium
Monday, February 12, 2018
7:00 PM
Tickets: $15
Refreshments (as well as justice) will be served.